Linda Yoshida, aka Kaylin McFarren, is a rare bird indeed. Not a migratory sort,
she prefers to hug the West Coast and keep family within visiting range. Although she has virtually
been around the world, she was born in California, relocated with her family to Washington, and nested
with her husband in Oregon. In addition to playing an active role in his business endeavors, she
has been involved in all aspects of their three daughters' lives - taxi duties, cheerleading coaching,
script rehearsals, and relationship counseling, to name but a few. Now she enjoys spending
undisciplined time with her two young grandsons and hopes to have many more.
Although Kaylin wasn't born with a pen in hand like so many of her talented fellow authors, she has
been actively involved in both business and personal writing projects for many years. As the director
of a fine art gallery, she assisted in furthering the careers of numerous visual artists who under
her guidance gained recognition through promotional opportunities and in national publications.
Eager to spread her own creative wings, she has since steered her energy toward writing novels.
As a result, she has earned more than a dozen literary awards and was a 2008 finalist in the prestigious RWA® Golden Heart contest.
Kaylin is a member of RWA, Rose City Romance Writers, and Willamette Writers. She received her AA in
Literature at Highline Community College, which originally sparked her passion for writing. In her free
time, she also enjoys giving back to the community through participation and support of various
charitable and educational organizations in the Pacific Northwest.
Noteworthy comments
"Beautifully written, heart wrenching yet inspirational, this is a 'must read' for anyone who has loved and lost."
- ELIZABETH JOY ARNOLD, USA Today bestselling author of Pieces of My Sister's Life
"Suspenseful, poignant and ultimately soul-satisfying, this life-affirming tale of shattering secrets will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss it!"
- JOY NASH, USA Today bestselling author of Deep Magic
"From heart wrenching to heartwarming, inducing laughter and tears, this virtual roller
coaster of a tale won't let the reader go until reaching the final turn of the ride. A superb novel bearing a message not easily forgotten."
- ANGELA FOX, Publisher of Oregon City News/Clackamas Review
Kaylin's Cause
Kaylin McFarren sat before her computer writing Flaherty's Crossing as a source of personal therapy after losing her
beloved father to colon cancer. You might say she was angry at him, at God, at the world in general. However,
after writing this story, she had the opportunity to really look into her soul and consider the fact that so
many other sons and daughters have had to deal with similar and even worse situations. Rather than a memoir,
her novel evolved into a fictional journey which brought about the resolution she needed to find. She never expected
this exercise in writing to go to press, touch lives, or win literary awards. But as a result of her good fortune,
she is providing necessary funding for Providence Cancer Center's breakthrough technology and its amazing "model mouse
research project" by donating 100% of her profits from the sale of this book.
Radio interviews